The eN Studios creative industry facility has been opened in Poznań. It includes a 120-meter photographic studio with cyclorama; 90-meter acoustically isolated audio studio and 300-meter Motion Capture studio. The facility cost over PLN 30 million with nearly PLN 17 million co-financed by the European Union.
The Academy of Physical Education in Poznań helped to create the Motion Capture studio, which technically supports the place equipped with the equipment needed for motion analysis and scanning of objects, used for the production of Virtual Reality, games, films and human movement analysis.
The studio will allow providing all measurements on athletes from the perspective of body movement analysis, for example, immediately after the period of post-training, after an injury and generally throughout the annual training cycle. It will be an analysis of human movement – technique, symmetry, asymmetry, the economy of this movement, perfection or the characteristics of its repeatability.