Agreement between public universities from Wrocław and Opole on an energy transition model

Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny we Wrocławiu

The public universities of Lower Silesia and Opole have signed an agreement with the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management, the National Energy Conservation Agency and the Bank for Environmental Protection on cooperation on an energy transformation model for the operation of universities.

The public universities intend to contribute not only to an improvement in air quality through a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, but also to provide better working and educational conditions, support an increase in the share of renewable energy and make more efficient use of energy through, among other things, energy-efficient and intelligent buildings.

The agreement was signed by the representatives of: the Academy of Music, the Academy of Fine Arts, the Academy of Physical Education and the Academy of Land Forces in Wrocław; the Universities of Technology – Opole and Wrocław; and the Universities of Economics, Life Sciences and Medicine in Wrocław.

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