Almost PLN 2 million for the projects received by the researchers from the Wrocław University of Science and Technology

Bartlomiej Magierowski/East News

Three researchers at the Wrocław University of Science and Technology have won almost PLN 2 million under the Preludium Bis programme of the National Science Centre. The funding will, among other things, allow for the employment and awarding of a stipend to doctoral students who will take part in carrying out research as part of their thesis.

Among the award winners is Prof Robert Kudrawiec (Faculty of Fundamental Technological Problems) for ‘Piezo-reflection spectroscopy of crystals and van der Waals heterostructures’, with funding of PLN 667 600.

Prof. Leszek Łatka,  (Faculty of Mechanical Engineering) for “Development of complex coatings with photocatalytic properties obtained using hybrid plasma spraying technologies”, amount of funding: PLN 648,300.

Prof. Anna Trusek (Chemistry Faculty) for “Three-phase drug carriers – design for extended release, development of a transport model and its verification. CFD modelling of drug release in the oral cavity’, funding amount: PLN 537,160.

Read more:–szansa-dla-doktorantow-12859.html

Research and development