Call for proposals for the INNOGLOBO programme started


INNOGLOBO is an international open programme of the National Centre for Research and Development (NCBR) as part of its international cooperation. Its objective is to support Polish entities in their expansion onto foreign markets in the field of development, adaptation or implementation of modern technological solutions. In the 3rd programme, a total of PLN 10 million is to be distributed. 

Polish innovators: companies, consortia, universities, research units and other organisations conducting research and disseminating knowledge can apply under the INNOGLOBO programme until 30 September 2023.

It is possible to obtain funding for international projects with varied budgets, covering a wide variety of thematic areas, including completely niche areas. The results of their work can be commercialised without geographical restrictions, which gives Polish entities the chance to quickly enter the international market with the product developed in the course of R&D work.

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Research and development