Record interest in research at the National Centre for Synchrotron Radiation SOLARIS in Krakow

20.03.2015 Krakow Na budowie jednego z 60 w swiecie i jedynego w Europie Wschodniej Synchrotronu w Narodowym Centrum Promieniowania Synchrotronowego SOLARIS Uniwersytetu Jagiellonskiego rozpoczal sie ostatni etap przykrywania synchrotronu grubymi plytami betonowymi zabezpieczajacymi przed promieniowaniem , oraz montaz ostatnich urzadzen sterujacych. Fot. M.Lasyk/REPORTER

The National Centre for Synchrotron Radiation (NCPS) SOLARIS in Krakow reports that a record 164 applications were received in the 11th call for research at SOLARIS, with scientists applying for more than 15,000 research hours on the infrastructure provided. 

Foreign projects accounted for 35 % of the total, while applications from Polish scientists accounted for 65 %. The ASTRA line, which enables X-ray absorption spectroscopy, attracted the most interest, with as many as 51 submissions.

The proposals will now be evaluated technically and then by an independent international committee of experts. The best projects will be awarded research time, which will run from October this year until February 2024.

The NCPS SOLARIS was built between 2010 and 2015 at the Jagiellonian University. The EU-funded investment is a national science centre providing open access to research infrastructure. 

Research and development