Almost PLN 31 million allocated for 387 projects under the ”Excellent science” competition

Adam Stepien/REPORTER

The third ‘Excellent Science’ competition organised by the Ministry of Education and Science has been settled. Funding to the total amount of nearly PLN 31 million will be awarded to 387 projects. The financing will be used to support the organisation of scientific conferences and the publication of scientific monographs.

The ‘Excellent Science’ programme consists of two modules: “Support for scientific conferences” and “Support for scientific monographs”. 

In the ‘Support for scientific conferences’ module, the largest funding will be granted to: Polish Historical Association – XXI General Congress of Polish Historians (amount of support: PLN 400,000) and Jagiellonian University – IV Congress of Foreign Researchers of Polish History (amount of support: PLN 397,925). 

In the “Support for scientific monographs” module, the largest support will be provided to:  Warsaw University – Collection of prints by Jan Ponętowski in the collection of the Jagiellonian Library in Krakow (amount of support: PLN 79,970) and Warsaw University of Technology – Business models based on digital technology platforms (amount of support: PLN 79,927.05).
