Minister of Education and Science talks about the training of priests from missionary countries


Rev. Prof. Waldemar Cisło, Cardinal Robert Sarah and Minister Przemysław Czarnek discussed the activities of the University Research Centre for Religious Freedom at Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University (UKSW) in Warsaw during a meeting at the Ministry of Education and Science.

During the talks with Cardinal Robert Sarah, retired prefect of the Vatican Congregation for Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, who is present in Poland, minister discussed the issues of the education of priests coming from countries where Christians are persecuted and the preparation of academic staff for the universities there.

This academic year, 30 students from eight African countries, including Nigeria, Cameroon and Ethiopia, are studying at UKSW. According to Rev. Prof. Waldemar Cisło, eight priests have already completed their doctorates at UKSW and have returned to their countries to pass on the knowledge they gained in Poland.
