The free eDWIN application, which facilitates daily work in the field, is now fully available. It can be used by farmers, local authorities and scientific institutions. The originator of the platform was the Wielkopolska Agricultural Advisory Centre (WODR) in Poznań.
“Making the eDWIN advisory platform fully accessible will significantly contribute to facilitating farmers’ daily work in the field. Today’s world is based on constant technological progress and implementation of innovative solutions in practically all areas of life. The same also applies to agriculture. Modern agriculture requires the use of innovative technologies. This is the only way that Wielkopolska and Polish agriculture can continuously develop”, says Jacek Sommerfeld, Director of WODR.
Provincial agricultural advisory centres, the Agricultural Advisory Centre in Brwinów, the Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Centre (PCSS) and the Institute for Plant Protection – National Research Institute participated in the creation of the platform.
Read more: https://www.pcss.pl/rolnicza-aplikacja-edwin-calkowicie-dostepna-kazdy-moze-z-niej-skorzystac/