Applications of employees of Poznan University of Technology receive funding under the Erasmus + program

Tomasz Kawka/East News

Two applications by employees of the management engineering department of the Poznań University of Technology (PP) received funding under ACTION 2 Partnerships for cooperation in the Erasmus + program. Each of the projects will receive 400,000. euro funding.

Dr Eng. Beata Mrugalska will implement the project “Sustainable Logistics4.0: Digital and green skills for boosting innovation and sustainability of the logistics sector”. The project aims to increase the adoption of sustainable and digital practices in the logistics sector by developing an innovative interdisciplinary curriculum aimed at improving the digital and environmental skills of university students.

Dr Eng. Piotr Cyplik will lead the project “Business Analytics Skills for the Future proof Supply Chain”, which aims to examine the needs in terms of skills and competences to use analytics to implement logistics processes.


Higher education