More money for Silesian universities from the Metropolis GZM

Politechnika Śląska

Górnośląsko-Zagłębiowska Metropolia (GZM) extends the scope of activities of the Science Support Fund, which is aimed at universities operating in its area. In addition to the classes conducted by the best scientists in the world, support will be provided to PhD students and student research clubs, informs the Silesian University of Technology.

Until now, public and private universities have been able to obtain funding for the organization of classes with world-class scientists under the Fund. This possibility will still remain one of the five thematic areas. Thanks to this, classes at GZM universities are conducted by scientists from such universities as Stanford, Cambridge, Harvard and Oxford.

Now the Metropolis is expanding the scope of the fund to four more areas: supporting doctoral students and researchers; innovative teaching methods; competitions and scientific events and encouraging to study at GZM. In total, by 2024, it intends to allocate over PLN 6 million to support the university.


Higher education