Awards for innovators from the Warsaw University of Technology

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Four scientists from the Warsaw University of Technology and a start-up from the university are among the winners of the 15th “Innovator of Mazowsze” competition, organised by the Local Government of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship.

In the ‘Innovative Scientist’ category, the second prize was awarded to Dr Maksymilian Kochański from the Faculty of Power Engineering, Warsaw University of Technology, for his work ‘Systematic computational analysis of large data sets in management systems’.

The third prize in this category was awarded to Dr Bartłomiej Przybyszewski, Eng. from the Faculty of Materials Engineering at the Warsaw University of Technology. The jury recognised his work on ‘The influence of chemical and physical modification of polyurethane coatings on their hydro- and ice-phobic properties’. 

The competition also awarded two distinctions for doctoral theses prepared at the PW: Dr Eng. Klaudia Żerańska from the Faculty of Physics for her thesis ‘Modern nanocarbon materials as electromagnetic wave shields’ and Dr Eng. Marcin Adamczyk from the Faculty of Mechatronics for his thesis ‘Method of compensating for the effect of temperature on the representation of 3D geometry using structured lighting technology’.

In the ‘Innovative Company’ category, second place was awarded to EcoBean Sp. z o.o. – a PW start-up, recognised for its zero-emission and zero-waste biorefinery that will convert coffee waste into raw materials.
