Białystok scientist publishes the first guidebook in Podlasie for the blind and visually impaired 

Piotr Awramiuk PB

Dr Eng. arch. Maciej Kłopotowski, director of the University Archives and History Centre of the Białystok University of Technology (PB) and lecturer at the Faculty of Construction and Environmental Sciences of the PB, has written a book “Podlasie within reach – a tourist guide for the blind and partially sighted”.

The book familiarises visually impaired people with Podlasie’s most beautiful tourist attractions. It contains their detailed descriptions in a special transparent printing technique, which combines enlarged black print and Braille notation. The information is supplemented with tyflographs – convex pictures, which enable the blind and visually impaired to get to know selected monuments of our region.

“I have described in this guide the most important monuments of Podlasie and discussed their accessibility for the blind and visually impaired”, says Dr Eng. arch. Maciej Kłopotowski.

The guidebook was published by the Chance for the Blind Foundation, Białystok Branch.
