Białystok to host a meeting devoted to Gender Equality Plans in Higher Education and Science Units

fizkes/easyfotostock/ East News

The Educational Foundation “Perspektywy”, together with experts, are inviting participants to Białystok on 8 February 2023 for an event devoted to Gender Equality Plans in higher education and science units. 

The first community meeting (Community of Practice) in this format will be devoted to learning about the latest trends in gender policy of the European Union, opportunities to apply for Horizon Europe competitions supporting the implementation of GEPs, and learning about and exchanging best practices at national and European level. 

The organisers emphasise that it will also be an opportunity to exchange experiences between Polish entities, allowing for inspiration and gathering operational knowledge for effective implementation of the adopted solutions. The meeting is addressed in particular to those dealing with gender issues and the implementation of Gender Equality Plans in universities.
