Białystok University of Technology starts cooperation with the Central Office of Measures


Białystok University of Technology (PB) on July 5, 2021, signed a cooperation agreement with the Central Office of Measures. It will allow for the initiation and implementation of joint activities in the area of ​​metrology and measurement techniques, including monitoring of environmental pollution, in particular air pollution. 

-We want to deal with issues related to environmental protection, the construction of flow meters and the introduction of certain uniform rules, considering monitoring the state of environmental pollution, in particular air pollution – announced Prof. Jacek Semaniak, President of the Central Office of Measures.

The effect of cooperation may be the development of a national air quality standard, helping calibrate instruments for flow measurement of particles suspended in the air, eg PM2.5 and PM10. Such works will allow to verify the correctness or determine the accuracy of testing our air quality.

Higher education