Białystok University of Technology students successful at robot competitions in USA


Student team of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Białystok University of Technology participated in the largest robotic competition in North America – Robogames 2018 in Pleasanton and won two gold and one bronze medals.

The gold medal in the MiniSumo category was won by the Hellfire2 robot, while in the MegaSumo category, among other 24 robots, the Białystok’s SumoMasters introduced two robots to the finals. The ACE won the competition, the Masakrator was the third, and Speedster finished as the fourth robot. The Polish team completely dominated the competition in Pleasanton, California.

Financial support for the construction, its improvement and for participation in the competition was provided as part of the project of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education “The best of the best! 2.0. “

Events Higher education Technical sciences