The Institute of Health Sciences of the Catholic University of Lublin (KUL) has established close cooperation with the Medical College of Wisconsin in the USA in academic exchange and medical research, mainly in oncology.
“This is an opening of completely new perspectives for our university, especially for scientists and students of the newly created medical faculty”, emphasizes Dr Katarzyna Czarnek from the Institute of Health Sciences at the Catholic University of Lublin.
Work on the creation of medical faculties at the Catholic University of Lublin began a few years ago, and in the first stage, education in nursing and obstetrics was launched.
The Lublin university is planning to start teaching future doctors in 2023. On the anniversary of the establishment of the Catholic University of Lublin, on December 8, 2021, a Convention for the creation and development of a medical faculty was established.
The cooperation of KUL with the Medical College of Wisconsin is supported by the Ministry of Education and Science.