Catholic University of Lublin to hold competition “Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński to entrepreneurs, or how to serve God and the Fatherland by running a business”


As part of the celebration of the Year 2021 as the Year of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński that was announced by the Sejm and the Senate, the Student Entrepreneurship Club of the Catholic University of Lublin (KUL) is inviting secondary school students to participate in the competition “Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński to entrepreneurs, or how to serve God and the Fatherland by running a business”. 

The purpose of the competition supported by the catholic weekly journal ‘Niedziela’ shows the interest of secondary school students in the teachings of Card. Stefan Wyszyński and the promotion of economic activity based on Christian values.

The participant’s task is to prepare an essay or a short film devoted to the teachings of the Cardinal Wyszyński concerning running a business in the spirit of faith.

The deadline for submitting competition entries is May 6, 2021.

