Catholic University of Lublin to launch Criminology study


In the new academic year, the Catholic University of Lublin (KUL) is launching BA and MA studies of Criminology. The studies are addressed to people who would like to work in Polish uniformed services, judicial authorities or in detective companies.    

Within the new study, the university has prepared two specializations to be chosen by students: Forensic Analytics and Prevention of Criminal Behavior.

The first specialization develops the competencies needed to conduct specialized research and analysis during the investigation and attempts to explain the committed crime, as well as skills in combating cybercrime, forensic profiling, detective tactics and techniques, ballistics.

The second one prepares students to diagnose criminogenic situations, help victims of crime and counteract social pathologies. Graduates also gain practical skills in the field of mediation and communication in criminal cases, as well as the analysis of digital traces, the use of artificial intelligence in forensics and counteracting addictions resulting from new technologies.

Higher education