Medical University of Silesia joins the Magna Charta Observatory Association 


The Medical University of Silesia joined the Magna Charta Observatory Association, operating since 1988 in Bologna. The Magna Carta Universitatum declaration was signed by the rector of the university, Prof. Tomasz Szczepański. 

The signatories of the Magna Charta Universitatum are obliged to respect the principles and values ​​of the declaration, which states that the University is an autonomous institution around which social life focuses, regardless of how society is organized, due to its geographical location and historical tradition -.

The intention of participation in the Magna Charta Observatory is to strengthen the role of universities that are to become a platform for the exchange of experiences. Membership in the association enables cooperation with recognized universities, participation in conferences, scientific research, educational projects and workshops, which are coordinated by the Magna Charta Observatory.

More: Uniwersytet – medyczny – w – prestizowym – gronie


Higher education