Conference “The individual and the state in cyberspace – opportunities and threats” to be held in Bydgoszcz in June


Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz will organise the International Scientific Conference ‘The individual and the state in cyberspace – opportunities and threats’. The conference has been scheduled for the first half of June, for its organisation the university has won funding from the Ministry of Education and Science’s ‘Excellent Science’ programme.

The conference issue concerns the functioning of individuals and states in cyberspace and is in the field of interest of representatives of many scientific fields and disciplines, including social sciences, and in particular is an important subject of research in political science and administration. 

The indicated issues constitute an important aspect of the activities of many specialised organisations, national and international. The conference with the participation of scientists and experts will therefore be an opportunity to exchange ideas and practices in diagnosing and forecasting opportunities and threats related to the functioning of people and states in cyberspace.

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