Cooperation of the University of Silesia with the City of Rybnik and the Psychiatric Clinical Hospital

fot. Przemyslaw Kowal Uniwersytet Śląski

The University of Silesia in Katowice will cooperate with the City of Rybnik and the Psychiatric Clinical Hospital SPZOZ in Rybnik. The agreement on cooperation was signed by the rector of the University of Silesia, Prof. Ryszard Koziołek, the director of the hospital, Prof. Joachim Foltys and the mayor of Rybnik, Piotr Kuczera.

The cooperation aims to promote the development of science, healthcare and research. The agreement will cover, among other things, the implementation of joint regional, supra-regional and international projects; cooperation in the organisation and promotion of events aimed at the university’s academic community; and the organisation of internships for students.

The signatories also announce the organisation of internships for the best male and female students and graduates, the hospital’s participation in consulting educational programmes and the subject matter of the theses created at the university, and the involvement of hospital staff and employees in conducting classes with male and female students.

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Higher education