Dąbrowa Górnicza to create a virtual classroom for improving digital competences of young people

Tomek Grzaslewicz Uniwersytet Śląski

The first virtual class in Poland will be created at the Stefan Żeromski Secondary School in Dąbrowa Górnicza with the aim of improving digital competences among young people. The project’s partner is the Silesian Centre for Law Engineering, Technology and Digital Competence Cyber Science at the University of Silesia.

The scope of cooperation between the university’s Centre and the school will include conducting a study of the digital competences of high school students, carrying out workshops during the next #AIChallenger conference and participating in seminars organised by Cyber Science youngsters – young people cooperating with the Cyber Science Centre.

The agreement signed by the partners also mentions training for high school students on cyber security, cooperation with male and female students, conducting classes for male and female students, the opportunity to take part in selected student activities and workshops for male and female teachers.

Read more: https://us.edu.pl/event/podpisanie-umowy-dotyczacej-utworzenia-pierwszej-w-polsce-wirtualnej-klasy-cyber-science/

Technical sciences