Debate about the place of humor in language, culture and scientific research


The PhD NEOlinguists Scientific Circle operating under the patronage of the Institute of English, the Institute of English Language Cultures and Literatures, and the Institute of Romance Languages and Translation Studies at the University of Silesia invites participants to the Humor Research Project on 4 and 5 April.

The aim of the conference at the Faculty of Philology at the University of Silesia in Sosnowiec is to enable an exchange of views on the perception of humor through the prism of different paradigms, making it possible to look at the phenomenon of humor and its interdisciplinary and universal character, and to encourage debate about the place of humor in language, culture and research scientific.

The proposed issues include various implementations of humor in literature and translations, cultural, intercultural and multicultural aspects of humor, examples of humor in research on media and visuality, the importance of humor and laughter in cognition and social interaction, as well as the role of humor in methodology and teaching.

Events Higher education