Dimethyl ether as an alternative to diesel is a new technology from the Gdansk University of Technology’s scientists

fot. Krzysztof Krzempek Politechnika Gdańska

Researchers at the Gdansk University of Technology (PG) have developed a new technology for obtaining dimethyl ether from small hydrocarbon deposits. In a specially developed demonstrator, the entire process of creating this fuel, which is an ecologically attractive alternative to diesel fuel, can be examined.

Dimethyl ether (DME) is a colourless gas with a characteristic odour, moderately soluble in water. It has a number of applications in the chemical, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. It is also used instead of natural gas for gas cookers – its physical properties are similar to propane-butane. It is also one of the most promising substitutes for diesel, LPG and LNG. It can be produced from natural gas, coal or biomass and is categorised as a green fuel.

The project ‘New technology for obtaining dimethyl ether from small hydrocarbon deposits’ was carried out in a consortium with the Warsaw University of Technology, commissioned by PGNiG, now the Orlen group.

Read more: https://pg.edu.pl/aktualnosci/2023-12/eter-dimetylowy-alternatywa-dla-oleju-napedowego-nowa-technologia-naukowcow-z-pg
