Dr Eng. Mariusz Ptak from the Wrocław University of Science and Technology to receive Scientific Award of the weekly Polityka


Dr Eng. Mariusz Ptak from the Wrocław University of Science and Technology won the scientific award in the competition of the weekly Polityka in the category of technical sciences. The laureate works at the Department of Machine Design and Research, where he deals with numerical models of the human head, which are used to simulate craniocerebral trauma.

Dr Ptak and the aHEAD team have developed three numerical models of the head to study injuries in people of different ages. His original idea is a multi-sensor band equipped with an electroencephalography system that allows to record overloads acting on the head.

The aim of the research is to improve diagnostic methods and imaging of the impact of the brain structure, simulating the consequences of road accidents and improving head protection devices, including bicycle and motorcycle helmets.

The laureate is the author or co-author of 40 articles in reputable international magazines, participant of many important research projects, author of patents and implementations.

Technical sciences