Dr Wieslaw Rozłucki awarded an honorary doctorate by the Warsaw School of Economics

Fot. P. Potapowicz SGH

Dr Wieslaw Rozłucki, one of the main founders of the Warsaw Stock Exchange and its first president, a graduate of the Faculty of Foreign Trade of the Warsaw School of Economics (SGPiS) and a doctor of economic geography (PAN), was awarded an honorary doctorate by the Warsaw School of Economics (SGH) for his special contribution to the development of the Polish economy.

The laudation on this occasion was delivered by Prof. Dr. Małgorzata Zaleska, Director of the Institute of Banking, Economic and Social College of SGH, as well as the supervisor in the procedure for awarding the honoris causa doctorate to Dr. Wiesław Rozłucki.

“The awarding of the title of doctor honoris causa to Wiesław Rozłucki is connected primarily with his contribution to the establishment and development of the Warsaw Stock Exchange and thus the development of a modern market economy in Poland. For the stock exchange is perceived by the public as a symbol of a free economy”, said Prof. Małgorzata Zaleska.
