Electric road motorbike of Wrocław students tops competition in Spain

Łukasz Łękawski Politechnika Wrocławska

The latest electric road bike developed by the LEM Wroclaw Motorsport team has made its competition debut. During MotoStudent Aragon in Spain, the team from the Wrocław University of Science and Technology took sixth place in the general classification.

The seventh MotoStudent competition was held at the Ciudad del Motor de Aragón, a race track was located near the town of Alcañiz in Spain. Forty-seven teams from all over the world took part, with competition taking place in five disciplines. All the results of the team from Wrocław contributed to a sixth place in the general classification of the competition – thus the students repeated their result from last year.

“In total, almost 100 students worked on the Tachyon. More than 50 companies and numerous professors from our university, who decided to support us, made their contribution. For all the help shown, we are very grateful”, says LEM Wrocław Motorsport president Michal Lentner.

Read more: https://pwr.edu.pl/uczelnia/aktualnosci/lem-tachyon-w-czolowce-zawodow-w-hiszpanii-13071.html

Technical sciences