End of the satellite mission of students of the Warsaw University of Technology


After 813 days, on February 23, 2021, PW-Sat2 was deorbitated. The satellite completely burned up in the Earth’s atmosphere. The last signal was received 14 minutes after midnight Polish time.

PW-Sat2 is a project of the Students’ Space Association, which operates at the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering of the Warsaw University of Technology (PW).

The main goal of the students was to construct and test an innovative deorbitation system in the form of a 4 m² sail.

The satellite was launched into orbit on December 3, 2018 on board the Falcon 9 rocket. The main phase of the mission lasted until December 28, 2018, when the deorbitation sail was opened. PW-Sat2 has received the signal sent by the ground station with the appropriate command. The sail, previously rolled up in the container, was released and obtained its final shape.



Events Technical sciences