Faculty of Informatics at the West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin to erect a new building

Zachodniopomorski Uniwersytet Technologiczny

The Wrocław-based architectural practice Heinle, Wischer und Partner Architekci has won a competition for the design of the building of the computer science faculty at the West Pomeranian University of Technology (ZUT) in Szczecin. The cost of the new faculty is estimated at PLN 130 million. The building may be constructed within four to five years.

Thirty-six architectural studios from all over Poland entered the competition. Their ideas were assessed by a competition committee. The new building is to be inspiring, innovative, accessible and supportive of the scientific and didactic processes conducted there.

“The faculty will be built on the university’s campus at 26th April Street in Szczecin, where the electrical faculty is currently located, which fits in with the concept of consolidating the campuses of our university. I think this will be an innovative solution on a national scale. I am proud that we are starting this investment”, says ZUT rector, prof. Jacek Wróbel.

Read more: https://www.zut.edu.pl/zut-strona-glowna/informacje-biezace/article/tak-bedzie-wygladal-nowy-wydzial-informatyki-zut-rozstrzygnieto-konkurs.html

Technical sciences