Higher School of Administration and Business in Gdynia to hold to a seminar on the local and regional effects of global threats 


The E. Kwiatkowski Higher School of Administration and Business in Gdynia is inviting participants on June 10 to the seminar of researchers and practitioners “The world to come. Local and regional effects of global threats”. The seminar will be held on-line.

The seminar issues include the idea of ​​a smart metropolis, municipal waste management, remote work and its safety, key competencies of a future employee, the climate crisis and its local effects, illegal emigration and administration in managing health crises.

The invitation to participate in the seminar is addressed to representatives of local government, social and non-governmental organizations, media, academic society and all people interested in the subject. The speakers will include representatives of the Institute of Oceanology of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Sopot and the Pomeranian Marshal’s Office.

More: https://wsaib.pl/dla-mediow/aktualnosci-press-room/item/4835-swiat-ktory-nadchodzi-lokalne-i-regionalne- Skutki – zagrozen – globalnych

