Historians from 70 countries to come to the International Congress of Historical Sciences in Poznań

Uniwersytet im. A. Mickiewicza w Poznaniu

On Sunday, August 21, the XXIII International Congress of Historical Sciences will begin in Poznań. Organizers – the International Committee of Historical Sciences based in Paris, the Committee of Historical Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences and the University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań – 700 researchers from 70 countries are expected.

Since 1900, historians from all over the world have organized their congresses to discuss the most pressing topics, present their research results and build a network of international cooperation. Such congress will take place in Poland for the second time.

It is the largest and most prestigious meeting of historians from around the world. Nearly 700 historians from 70 countries will come to Poznań. For the first time in history, modern technology has been so involved in the organization of the event, which will allow o reach many recipients around the world as the limitations of the pandemic caused the absence of many people who would like to attend the congress.

More: https://amu.edu.pl/dla-mediow/komunikaty-prasowe/700-historykow-z-70-krajow-w-poznaniu
