International Conference and Assembly of Students’ Scientific Clubs in Wroclaw


Members of the student scientific circles came to Wrocław for the 23rd International Conference and the 35th Meeting of Student Scientific Clubs. In total, 550 students met at the University of Environmental and Life Sciences in Wrocław.

They discussed various topics: evolution of spiders, impact of online media on girlfriend selection in Poland from an anthropological perspective, sensory evaluation of chocolate with larvae of flour miller, vitamin C content in potato subjected to technological processes and obtaining jellies from vegetable concentrates.

Participants of the conference and the regional council discussed also the modeling of urban transport space in the context of its impact on noise and pollution emissions as well as the dynamics of water intake by the leek roots and the issue of horse nutrition in Poland. Young scientists were also interested in the liver cancer in ferret, fungi in car air conditioning and ecological safety in road transport.


Events Higher education