International team of scientists discovered “four-leaf clovers” in space 


An international team of scientists has discovered “four-leaf clovers” in space. They are quasars – the extremely bright nuclei of distant galaxies that are powered by supermassive black holes within them.  

The researchers found a dozen of them, and their light rays were distorted by naturally occurring cosmic ‘lenses’ and split into four similar-looking images. The study was co-authored by Jean Surdej, visiting professor at the Astronomical Observatory of the University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań.

Over the past four decades, astronomers have observed about 50 such “cosmic clovers”. The latest research, lasting a year and a half, has increased this figure by about 25%, showing how powerful machine learning is, helping astronomers find these cosmic singularities.

More: Candaci / dla – mediow / komunikaty – prasowe / kosmiczne – koniczynki
