Iranian scientist to conduct research at the Wrocław University of Science and Technology


Dr Arsalan Najafi of the Islamic University of Azad in Iran received the Ulama scholarship from the National Agency for Academic Exchange. The scientist will conduct research at the Department of Electrical Engineering and Electrotechnology at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering of the Wrocław University of Science and Technology. 

Dr Najafi specializes in multi-criteria optimization in power grids and regulation of the energy market. He is a young scientist, but already has significant achievements, including publications in the magazines “Applied Energy” and “IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid”. In Wrocław, he will work on the project “Risk based Optimal Self-Scheduling of Smart Energy Hub in day ahead and regulation of electricity markets”.

The researcher recently worked at the Islamic University of Azad – commonly referred to as Azad University. It is Iran’s largest private university and the third largest university in the world. It is located in Tehran.


Higher education Technical sciences