Students from the Institute of Archaeology at the Jagiellonian University (IA UJ) in Krakow: Bernardetta Bielecka, Maria Dyda, Róża Dziubińska, Emilia Kuzar and Alicja Łacheta took part in archaeological research at the Cerro Colorado site, on the Peruvian coast about 200 km north of Lima. The work was conducted by the independent research group Programa de Investigación ‘Los valles de Barranca’.
The archaeologists studied the remains of temples and cemeteries located on the Cerro Colorado hill near the town of Barranca. There are 4 mounds where the remains of monumental architecture made of adobe bricks lie under piles of sand.
The IA students of the Jagiellonian University participated in the discovery of the foundations of a temple that once existed on top of the hill, as well as a grave there in which a child with a deformed skull was buried.
They also documented and further processed the found artefacts.