Jagiellonian University researchers have an idea for a novel therapy for organ fibrosis

fot. UJ

According to researchers at the Jagiellonian University (UJ) in Krakow, it will be possible to treat organ fibrosis in the future using forces of nature. Extracellular vesicles, which are nanostructures secreted by the cells of various organisms, are expected to help. 

Researchers from Krakow have discovered an important property of these structures and studies have been carried out which prove that the vesicles can potentially be used in therapy.

According to the Krakow researchers, extracellular vesicles could be considered by the pharmaceutical sector as a basis for developing new therapies for organ fibrosis. For this to happen, a number of pre-clinical studies still need to be performed, which are required for any pathway to develop and implement a new drug.

“Due to the high cost of such studies, we are looking for entities from the pharmaceutical and biotechnology company sector interested in improving this technology and ultimately bringing it to the market”, says Dr Eng. Gabriela Konopka-Cupiał, director of the Technology Transfer Centre at CITTRU UJ.

Read more: https://www.uj.edu.pl/wiadomosci/-/journal_content/56_INSTANCE_d82lKZvhit4m/10172/155605885

Medicine and biotechnology