Jan Długosz University in Częstochowa to hold a conference on the role of tears in literature


The Institute of Literature at the Jan Długosz University in Częstochowa is inviting students on November 14-15 to participate in the national scientific conference “Tears in literature. Transfer – Reception – Translation (Polish, Austrian, German and Swiss literature).”

The research goal of the meeting will be an attempt to diagnose the differences and similarities in the forms of transfer, translation and reception of literary depictions of crying and tears (prose, poetry, drama, essay, children’s literature, popular literature) in contemporary German and Polish literature (20th and 21st century) in Polish, German, Austrian and Swiss cultures.

The organizers want to search the phenomena studied in the context of socio-historical and cognitive conditions. At the same time, they will assume a multi-faceted perspective of viewing literary phenomena, starting from the interdisciplinary nature of literary science and comparative research. The conference languages ​​are Polish and German.

More: http://www.ujd.edu.pl/news/view/instytut-literaturoznawstwa-zapkuje-do-udziau-w-konferencji-zy-w-literatura



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