Jan Długosz University of Humanities and Sciences in Częstochowa launches the WARBEKI project

Uniwersytet Humanistyczno-Przyrodniczy im. Jana Długosza w Częstochowie

The Jan Długosz University of Humanities and Sciences in Częstochowa has launched the WARBEKI research project, with the main aim of developing, testing and implementing training to improve the qualifications of pre-school education teachers in the area of vocational orientation. 

The project – implemented in international cooperation with the German Institut für angewandte Beratungswissenschaften GmbH – aims to promote transnational cooperation and the equal involvement of science and practice. This will ensure that the results of the project are implemented and disseminated nationally and internationally.

The direct target group is primarily teachers, education specialists and managers of pre-school institutions (in studies, training and further professional education) who will (in future) deal with the topic “Perception of the professional and working environment in pre-school” in practice.  

Read more: https://www.ujd.edu.pl/news/view/rozpoczynamy-realizacje-projektu-naukowego-warbeki-postrzeganie-srodowiska-zawodowego-i-pracy-w-wieku-przedszkolnym 


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