Katowice campus of the Silesian University of Technology to open the gardens of science


Modern, green courtyards were officially opened at the Faculty of Transport and Aviation Engineering and the Faculty of Materials Science at the Silesian University of Technology in Katowice. They will be used by students, employees and everyone else as a space for recreation, learning and organizing celebrations.

The science gardens were prepared as part of the modernization works of the campus at Zygmunt Krasiński Street in Katowice. The investment was financed by the university and subsidies from the City of Katowice, its value is almost PLN 2 million.

Works carried out in the courtyards will facilitate access to the campus. Their scope included the replacement of hard surfaces along with the arrangement of parking spaces for people with disabilities. There are also bicycle stands, which will allow to use solutions alternative to car transport, e.g. services of city bike rentals, including electric ones.

More: https://www.polsl.pl/Lists/AktualnosciUczelniane/PokazWiadomosc.aspx?WebPartTitle=ListaWiadomosci&Page=2&WebPartTitle2=Wiadomosc&Filter1Field2=Identyfikator&Filter1Value2=3583

Higher education