Kielce University of Technology to launch digital diplomas


Kielce University of Technology (PŚw) has signed an agreement with the company Billon Digital Services from the Billon capital group for the provision of digital diploma services. Graduates of the university will receive forgery-resistant digital copies of documents confirming graduation, which will be stored in a blockchain system.

Under the agreement, Billon will provide the Kielce university with a solution for publishing digital mapping of diplomas in a distributed and cryptographically secured blockchain database. After its implementation, in addition to the paper diploma, each university graduate will receive a link to its digital copy saved on the blockchain and a unique code allowing for its reading.

This is the first time that blockchain will be used to manage documents at a university in Poland. The system developed by Billon is a safe alternative to conventional methods of electronic management of confidential documents and student data.


Higher education