Koszalin University of Technology to join an innovative research and development project


The Koszalin University of Technology will participate in the development of a system that will help students acquire knowledge in science. The task of the university’s scientists will be to develop a device that will enable the use of the educational application.

The whole project assumes developing an effective method of teaching mathematics, physics and chemistry, taking into account the specific, often unused capabilities of the mind and nervous system, as well as the limitations of its functioning.

Scientists want to develop a prototype system for distance learning. The system will increase the dynamics of knowledge acquisition through appropriate modeling of the stimuli passed to a student. It will also make the learning process more friendly.

An important part of the system will be headphones adequately transmitting sound stimuli. The university is responsible for carrying out research related to their structure and physical and biological performance.

More: https://tu.koszalin.pl/art/1044/nasi-naukowcy-w-innowacyjny-projekcie-badawczo-rozwojowym
