Scientists of the University of Life Sciences in Poznań win the Polish Intelligent Development Award


The research team led by Prof. Bartłomiej Mazela from the faculty of forestry and wood technology at the University of Life Sciences in Poznań won the Polish Intelligent Development Award 2021 in the category: Innovative technologies and future research.

Scientists were awarded for the implementation of the Innovative fire- and water resistant cellulose-based material project. The aim of the researchers was to develop an innovative, fire-resistant and waterproof material based on cellulose.

The project involves the development of innovative systems for the use of forest biomass intended for the production of advanced lignocellulosic materials resistant to changing conditions of air humidity and temperature, and to fire.

For 6 years now, the Polish Intelligent Development Award has been granted to innovators and investors, people and organizations whose way of acting and thinking affects the intelligent and sustainable development of society and the economy.


