Koszalin University of Technology to print from titanium powder

Politechnika Koszalińska/Koszalin University of Technology

The Center for Rapid Prototyping of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Koszalin University of Technology, is planning to launch the additive manufacturing process in the technology of selective laser melting of titanium powder.

The additive technology is closely related to the technology of producing machine parts, known for several decades, by pressing metal powders or making castings. It allows for the production of metal with the same functional parts as those produced by other methods (milling, casting or machining).

The Koszalin center was equipped with a device for producing metal powder. It is a unique apparatus that allows to transform metal (e.g. in the form of a wire) into a powder under laboratory conditions, which can then be used to prepare a finished product in the next stages of production.

It will allow researchers to conduct research on new materials and check their applicability in the production of specific products.

More: https://tu.koszalin.pl/art/2009/w-centrum- Szybkiego -prototypowania-trwaja-prace-nad-drukiem-z-proszku-tytanu

Innovations Technical sciences