Krakow University of Technology to launch a Group of Accredited Testing and Calibration Laboratories


The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Krakow University of Technology (PK) is launching a Group of Accredited Testing and Calibration Laboratories. The cost is over PLN 14 million.

The aim of the project is to create a research and development center based on the latest measurement technology and research systems, closely linking science and technical innovations with industrial applications.

The Regional Group of Accredited Testing and Calibration Laboratories will consist of three laboratories: two of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (Coordinate Metrology Laboratory and the Laboratory of Technoclimatic Research and Working Machines) and one of the Faculty of Environmental and Power Engineering (Laboratory of Energy Machines and Devices).

Thanks to EU funding (over PLN 11 million), the specialized research laboratories will be equipped with the necessary apparatus and devices for research teams to conduct research in the field of highly advanced materials and technologies for industry.

Technical sciences