Lodz University of Technology to conduct Polish-German research on innovative drying technology 


Scientists from the Faculty of Process and Environmental Engineering of the Lodz University of Technology together with Otto-von-Guericke Universität Magdeburg (OVGU) will conduct research on a new spray drying technology. For this purpose, they received almost a million PLN from the National Science Center under the OPUS + LAP program.  

The main goal of the project is to experimentally and numerically determine the mechanisms responsible for agglomeration in spray dryers with the return of particles to the drying chamber.

Spray drying is the leading technology for producing loose materials from liquids by rapidly removing its volatile components with hot gas. The technology is widely used in various industries such as the chemical, pharmaceutical and food industries. Powdered milk, instant coffee, yeast, aromas and washing powder are the most popular of the wide variety of spray-dried products that are used in everyday life. If the particles are too small or the distribution of the particle diameters is too narrow, they can create structures that are difficult to wet and dissolve – explains Assoc. Prof. Eng. Maciej Jaskulski, project coordinator.

Innovations Research and development