“Lower Silesia. Green Valley of Food and Heath” included in the list of government strategic projects


Project of the University of Life Sciences in Wroclaw (UP) “Lower Silesia. Green Valley of Food and Heath” was included in the list of government strategic projects. The decision was made by the Monitoring Board of Strategic Projects Portfolio of the Ministry of Investment and Development.

The project assumes the creation of the Green Valley, a region in which the BIO-economy is developed in a sustainable manner, using innovative knowledge and socially responsible, positively affecting the quality of people’s lives.

– Production and processing of food should base on regional resources, but our knowledge and huge native scientific potential are a chance not only to meet our own needs, but also to build competitive advantage in global markets – said the rector of the UP Prof. Tadeusz Trziszka, the author of the Green Valley.
More: http://www.glos.upwr.edu.pl/aktualnosci/49743/zielona_dolina_na_liscie_rzadowych_projektow.html

Innovations Modern economy