Łukasiewicz – Institute of Non-ferrous Metals joins Processes4Planet partnership

Fot. Tomasz Kawka/East News Laziska Gorne 09.04.2022 Zachod slonca - Elektrownia Laziska ??" znajduje sie w Laziskach Gornych w wojewodztwie slaskim. Elektrownia - Oddzial Laziska - TAURON Wytwarzanie.

Łukasiewicz – Institute of Non-ferrous Metals has joined the Processes4Planet Partnership under the European Union’s Horizon Europe Framework Programme. The partnership was established with the aim of creating joint initiatives in innovation and research.

The goals of Processes4Planet are to develop and implement climate-neutral solutions, close the energy and raw material loop (process industries) and achieve global leadership in climate-neutral closed-loop solutions, accelerate innovation and unlock public and private investment. 

Processes4Plantet will develop cutting-edge technologies that will be of great importance for the transformation of industry – including Polish industry. The partnership will also work to increase the level of technological readiness of existing technologies in order to reduce CO2 emissions by 2030 and achieve full climate neutrality by 2050.

Read more: http://www.imn.gliwice.pl/articles/1204/siec_badawcza_lukasiewicz_-_instytut_metali_niezelaznych_dolaczyl_do_kolejnego_partnerstwa_w_ramach_programu_ramowego_unii_europejskiej_horyzont_europa

Research and development