Łukasiewicz – Institute of Non-Ferrous Metals in consortium with Progresja New Materials Sp. z o. o. carries out the research project “Development and optimization of the production process of non-ferrous metal powders for incremental manufacturing technologies using production waste as a feedstock”.
Currently used methods of producing non-ferrous metal powders are expensive and energy-consuming. The range of powders available on the market is very narrow and the production of small batches is not profitable. As part of the project, a comprehensive industrial technology for the production of non-ferrous powders based on titanium alloys with the use of post-production waste will be developed.
The research and technological tests carried out so far in laboratory conditions have confirmed that the use of plasma spheroidization allows to ensure the required cleanliness of the charge and to produce spheroidal powders based on titanium alloys with high technological properties.