Mazovia Academy in Plock to launch doctoral school

Akademia Mazowiecka w Płocku

The Ministry of Education and Science has awarded the Mazovian Academy in Plock (MAP) a B+ scientific category in the discipline of pedagogy. This means that MAP can run a doctoral school. This is because it already has a B+ scientific category in the discipline of political science and administration. Having an academic category in two disciplines is a statutory condition for the establishment of a doctoral school.

The establishment of a doctoral school is not only an important stage in the development of the University. It is also one of the directions of development of Płock as an academic city, as it will enable scientific development for both Płock citizens and well-educated people from all over Poland. 

The university has already started work on the regulations of the doctoral school, the curriculum and the rules of recruitment. The opening ceremony is scheduled for the second half of March 2023. With the launch of the doctoral school, Scientific Discipline Boards will be established.

Higher education