Medical University of Silesia to cooperate with the National Medical Institute in Samarkand


The Medical University of Silesia in Katowice will cooperate with the National Medical Institute in Samarkand (Uzbekistan). The rector of the Silesian university, Prof. Tomasz Szczepański, Prof. Michał Tendera and Prof. Yassur A. Rizaev, the university in Samarkand.

The cooperation will concern the organization of training in modern techniques in diagnostics and therapy, exchange of experience in the field of didactics, joint research and organization of scientific meetings.

The initiator of establishing contacts with the university in Uzbekistan is Prof. Michał Tendera, who started the first informal symposia and trainings in 2019.

– Our cooperation seems to be extremely interesting. I assume that we, as Poland, can help others, just as several decades ago we were helped by the countries of Western Europe – says Prof. Tendera.

Higher education Medicine and biotechnology